Interview with Puchkov K. V. on the eve of the X Anniversary Asian Congress on Endometriosis (ACE-2022)

2022-08-01 18:56
The 10th Asian Congress on Endometriosis (ACE 2022) is the most important event in the professional life of every expert who is connected with the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.

The congress takes place in Moscow on October 6–8, 2022 and will undoubtedly become one of the most remarkable and memorable events of this year. We have talked with Konstantin Puchkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Surgical Service, Director of the Training Center for Clinical and Experimental Surgery, full member of the Society of Endoscopic Surgeons of Russia, full member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons from Moscow, Russia, and the speaker of the ACE Congress. He shared with us a difficult clinical case from his practical work, spoke about his hobby, revealed his professional secrets, and gave the parting words to the participants of the event.

Could you tell us please about the most interesting case in your practice?  

It was 1997. I operated on a young woman with immune thrombocytopenic purpura. It is a blood disease that causes the decrease of hemoglobin and blood platelets. She became pregnant at the age of 18-19 and the doctors said she should have her pregnancy terminated as the pregnancy itself was extremely dangerous because of the bleeding and hematological disorders. The patient's life was in danger. She refused, decided to keep the child no matter what. She did not want to change her mind even after she had listened to the hematologist. She had a hemolytic crisis during pregnancy. It was necessary to save her life and the child. I did a laparoscopic splenectomy, when the gestation age was 16 weeks. Now her son is 25 years old. I have a video interview with the patient on my website, filmed when her son was 16—17 years old. The situation was difficult for gynecology. The gestation age was 16 weeks, it means that, you can't have an abortion, and you can't have delivery. We have successfully performed a surgery. The woman gave birth, she is doing well now, and the child is already an adult.

In your opinion, what is the best hobby for a doctor? 

I think that the one that gives you great pleasure. For me it’s hiking, swimming and working out. I regularly walk 15 kilometers a day, and before that I actively played tennis and went in for the mountain skiing. The surgeon needs to be fit if he or she wants to operate for a long time. The most important thing is that you like your hobby, and it helps you to lighten your mental load.

 What is your professional secret?

My secret is my love for my job and people. If you love what you do, it is your labor of love, all horizons are discovered for you. I have always worked very hard, 20 hours a day. I am already 57 years old. Now I do a lot of surgeries, four-five surgeries a day. So far, I have done 25,000 laparoscopic surgeries, that is a lot. However, when you like what you are doing, study a lot, work a lot, then you are satisfied with the result. It's all nice and great.

Some parting words for the participants of the ACE Congress please?

I would like them to absorb as much useful knowledge as it is possible for themselves, so that the Congress will be productive for them. I wish them to keep an open mind, stay open for the new knowledge, and more positive things in their life. Take as much as possible from the congress regarding the new methods, treatment and diagnosis.

If experts participate in the ACE Congress, it will give them the most valuable knowledge on the management of patients with endometriosis and a powerful impulse for professional growth. We are going to create all the necessary conditions for the experience exchange, discussion of new scientific and practical discoveries and exciting communication with colleagues at our outstanding event. Dear friends, do not miss the opportunity to participate in one of the greatest events of this year, the ACE Congress!