Patient session at X Anniversary Asian Congress on Endometriosis АСЕ-2022

The unique feature of the congress’ research program is highly valuable world-level knowledge that participants can successfully use in their practice.

Not only doctors are taking part: an interactive patient session is part of the congress agenda. Experts of our institute will invite women who have already had endometriosis, or are interested in women’s health. It will be the first time that women with this complex, and sometimes torturing, disease will have the opportunity to ask questions to doctors of different specialties. Experts from Great Britain will participate in the patient session, and they will speak about pain management for patients with endometriosis.

We will answer all the questions about the problems of fertility in patients with endometriosis, relieving chronic pelvic pain syndrome, discuss different symptoms of endometriosis that can mimic other diseases, explain post-surgical period in detail, discuss the questions about pregnancy planning after the surgical treatment of the disease. Our speakers will not be just the doctors, but also the patients.

The registration for the patients is free of charge.